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Book of Condolence
Our good friend Sebastian Kirke passed away on September 4, 1996. We, his
friends and colleagues here in Berlin, have decided that, in his memory, it
would be appropriate to create an electronic book of condolence.
If you wish to contribute a few words, please send an email and your comments will be
included on the WWW condolence page.
Unser guter Freund Sebastian Kirke ist am 4.
September 1996 gestorben. Wir, daß heißt seine Freunde und Kollegen hier in
Berlin, haben beschlossen, daß eine elektronische Kondolenzliste in seinem Sinne
Wenn Ihr ein paar Worte beisteuern möchtet, bitte schicke ein E-Mail
und euer Beitrag wird der Seite hinzugefügt.
The funeral took place on the 27th of September in Lochgilphead (about 2 hours
from Glasgow). Five of his many friends from Berlin were able to be there.
Die Beerdigung fand statt am 27. September um 15 Uhr in Lochgilphead (ca. 2
Stunden von Glasgow entfernt). Fünf seiner zahlreichen Freunden aus Berlin
konnten dort sein.
This photograph of his gravestone was taken about two years after his funeral.
Diese Fotografie seines Grabsteines wurde circa zwei Jahre nach der Beerdigung aufgenommen.
The words / Die Worte:
Unfortunatly I didn't write these down and can hardly read the words on the photograph.
Should the dates need correcting, please inform me.
Leider habe ich die Daten nicht niedergeschrieben und kann die Worte auf der Fotografie
kaum entziffern. Sollte es notwendig sein, die Daten zu korrigieren, bitte informiert mich.
From / von : Hans Berthold Hohmann 10. September 1996
What is a Friend? What is a Friend? I will tell you. It is a person with
whom you dare to be yourself. Your soul can be naked with him. He seems to ask
you to put on nothing, only to be what you are. He does not want you to be
better or worse. When you are with him, you feel as a prisoner feels who has
been declared innocent. You do not have to be on your guard. You can say what
you think, so long as it is genuinely you. He understands those contradictions
in your nature that lead others to misjudge you. With him you breathe freely.
You can avow your little vanities and envies and hates and vicious sparks, your
meannesses and absurdities and, in opening them up to him, they are lost,
dissolved on the white ocean of his loyalty. He understands. You do not have to
be careful. You can abuse him, neglect him, tolerate him. Best of all, you can
keep still with him. It makes no matter. He likes you. He is like fire that
purges to the bone. He understands. He understands. You can weep with him, sin
with him, laugh with him, pray with him. Through it all - and underneath - he
sees, knows and loves you. A friend? What is a friend? Just one, I repeat, with
whom you dare to be yourself. C. Raymund Beran
From / von : Michael Hooper 17. September 1996
Sebastian was more than a good friend. He was also one of my most valued
colleagues. I used to call him on the phone - several times a day - and he was
always there with an intelligent answer to my often less-than-intelligent
questions. Until one day I called him and there was no answer . . .
His death is a tremendous loss for me personally, for my colleagues at TEXT
INTERNATIONAL, and for everyone who knew him.
From / von : Rubin Sastre Jiminez 18. September 1996
Amigo. Hermano. Humano. Humano. Humano.
Ich vermisse einen wahren Freund, eine verwandte Seele... Wir spielten
Bossanova. Er war verliebt in diese Musik und lernte sie in einer unglaublichen
Geschwindigkeit. Wir hatten viel, viel Spaß an langen Abenden und Gesprächen,
begleitet von den schönsten Harmonien der Welt...
Alguma coisa acontece no meu coracao que so cuando penso
en Sebbo e seu grande amor e que cuando eu llegue por alli eu nada
entendi da dura poesia concreta de suas esquinas da deseleganca
discreta de suas paridas
E foste um dificil conheco que nao conheco e quem vem de outor sonho
feliz de cidade aprende depressa a llamarte de realidade
Do povo oprimido nas filas nas vilas favelas da forza da grana que
ergue e destroi coisas belas da feia fumaca que sobe apagando as
estrelas. Ainda nao havia para mi do re mi a tua mais concreta
traducao alguma coisa acontece no meu coracao que so coundo penso en
Sebbo e seu grande amor.
Irgendetwas geschieht in meinem Herzen was weiß ich,
wenn ich an Sebbo denke und an seine große Liebe als ich dort ankam
[bei ihm] verstand ich nichts die harte Poesie seiner Ecken die
diskrete Uneleganz seiner Ausfälle
Du warst eine schwierige Bekanntschaft, die ich nicht kenne die
kommt, aus einem anderen, frohen, staedtischem Traum lerne schnell Dich
an die Realität zu halten
Das unterdrückte Volk in den Reihen, den Städten, den Slums Die
Kraft der Granate, die sich erhebt und schöne Sachen zerstört der
haessliche Rauch, der aufsteigt und die Sterne verdunkelt noch gab es
nicht für mich DO RE MI Deine konkreteste Übersetzung Irgendetwas
geschieht in meinem Herzen Was weiß ich, wenn ich an Sebbo denke und an
seine große Liebe | "Sampa" von Gilberto
Gil&Caetano Veloso, adaptiert für Sebastian
Ich vermisse ihn und seine Liebe. Ruben
From / von : Martin Gerhard & Sigried Damerow 21. September 1996
Wir saßen viele Abende mit Sebastian zusammen, haben dabei geplauscht,
gelacht und so manches Computerproblem diskutiert. Sein Platz an unserer Seite
bleibt frei, wir vermissen ihn sehr.
Sissi & Martin
From / von : Burkhard Schröder 22. September 1996
Ich habe ihn nicht persönlich gekannt. Aber es ist nicht selbstverständlich,
daß jemand einem Unbekannten am Telefon bei einem schwierigem
Übersetzungsproblem hilft. Er hatte gerade keine Zeit und hat mir trotzdem
geholfen. Danke. Ich hätte ihn gern noch kennengelernt.
Burkhard Schröder
From / von : Abdassabur
Kirke 23. September 1996
Few words, many memories. What do you do when your brother dies? You hear it,
you try to work it out, you think you understand. But I still see him in the
street, just out of reach, on the table over there in the pub, coming in with
life and openness on his face. Rolling another cigarette, smoke rising in his
sunny, chaotic flat. So many sides to him you did not know, and so many even I
did not know. It is a sad time.
Abdassabur Kirke
From / von : Agie Reeves 27. September 1996
Dear Sebastian,
I think about you several times a day:
- when I come up against some obscure word in my work that you would
certainly know (I've caught myself reaching for the phone more than once),
- when I encounter some computer problem or question that you would find most
elementary (I can hear you scolding me, "Oh Agie, how can you be so
- when Neumann does something particularly cute or smart (several times per
minute). He actually goes outside now (I got him a collar with his name and
address), hangs around, visits the kitties in the courtyard next door, and then
comes back home, up the stairs, and meows till I open the door for him! We've
solved the pooping-in-the-bathtub problem by simply taking the roof off the
litter box (the last time I spoke to you, we were speculating about why he does
that) - I guess he didn't like the dark or something, because ever since I took
the roof off he's never once "missed." Amazing, huh?
Thanks for your friendship, professional support, and most of all for giving
me Neumann (nicknames so far: "Herr Neumann," "Neumy," "Neumann-Schnuddelbun").
You couldn't possibly have given me anything better to remember you by -
hopefully, for years to come.
From / von : Daniel Cutter 17. March 1997
I've taken my time to write these words. I thought giving it time would help.
It doesn't, not really. I still miss Sebastian. When I go out for a beer, I
still expect to see him sitting there, smiling making jokes.
My final words at his grave were those that I had written on the blanket with
which we covered his coffin. Auf wiedersehen my friend. I think these words say
Created: Sunday, 15. September 1996 Last Update: Monday, 17.
March 1997 Edited for the new site: 30.9.2005 Editor:
Daniel Cutter
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